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Happy Synthesizer (ハッピーシンセサイザ?) is a song covered by UniChØrd.

The full version of the song is included on the album D4DJ Groovy Mix Cover Tracks Vol.9, which was released on April 24, 2024.

It was originally produced by EasyPop, performed by GUMI and Megurine Luka, and released on November 22, 2010.

Game Info[]

Servers Available in Japanese Server BPM 127
EASY 2 185 Subatos
NORMAL 6 294 Subatos
HARD 11 556 Subatos
EXPERT 12+ 790 Subatos


No. Songs Duration Audio
00 Happy Synthesizer (Game Version) 2:06
13 Happy Synthesizer 3:52



ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ

笑い話だね 今となれば

見る物全て 輝いて見えた
あの日々がキレイに 笑ってるよ

我慢する事だけ 覚えなきゃいけないの?
「大人になって頂戴ね?」 ならなくていいよ
知らない事ばかり 知らないなんて言えなくて
「大変お似合いで」 ウソついてゴメンね

ハッピーシンセサイザ 君の 胸の奥まで
届くようなメロディ 奏でるよ
つまらない「たてまえ」や ヤな事全部
消してあげるから この音で

何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
少しだけど 出来る事
心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉

ハッピーシンセサイザ ほらね 楽しくなるよ
涙拭うメロディ 奏でるよ

何の取り柄も無い 僕に唯一つ
少しだけど 出来る事
心躍らせる 飾らない 言葉


happiishinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
todoku youna merodii kanaderu yo

hakanaku chitta awai kataomoi
waraibanashi da ne ima to nareba

miru mono subete kagayaite mieta
ano hibi ga kirei ni waratteru yo

gaman suru koto dake oboenakya ikenai no?
"otona ni natte choudai ne?" naranakute ii yo
shiranai koto bakari shiranai nante ienakute
"taihen oniai de" uso tsuite gomenne

happiishinsesaiza kimi no mune no oku made
todoku youna merodii kanaderu yo
tsumaranai "tatemae" iyana koto zenbu
keshite ageru kara kono oto de

nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
kokoro odoraseru kazaranai kotoba
denshion de tsutaeru yo

happiishinsesaiza hora ne tanoshiku naru yo
namida nuguu merodi kanaderu you
tsuyogaranakutatte iin janai? betsuni
jibun ni sunao ni nareba ii

nanno torie mo nai boku ni tada hitotsu
sukoshi dakedo dekiru koto
chotto tereru youna tanjunna kimochi
denshion de tsutaeru yo


Happy Synthesizer, I'll play you a melody
That will reach into your heart

Fleeting one-sided love that is quickly lost
Is a funny story now that I think about it

Everything I saw looked like it sparkled
Those days were smiling beautifully

Is all I have to remember grinning and bearing it?
"Will you become an adult?" I don't have to
So much I didn't know, but I couldn't admit it
"We're just right for each other." I'm sorry, it was a lie

Happy Synthesizer, I'll play you a melody
That will reach into your heart
Pointless "facades" and things you dislike,
I'll erase them all for you with this sound

I'm not much good for anything, but there's just one thing
I can do even though it's not much
I'll convey plain but rousing words
Through electronic sounds

Happy Synthesizer, see, you'll be pleased
I'll play you this melody that will wipe away tears
Do you have to pretend you're stronger than you truly are? Not really
Embrace the real you inside

I'm not much good for anything, but there's just one thing
I can do even though it's not much
I'll convey simple feelings that are a bit shy
Through electronic sounds

Live Performances[]


